Our Mission
The McKinley Technology, High School library, prepares students for life beyond high school by providing access to resources, instructional workshops, and cultural events that help students become independent, information-literate, critical thinkers. The library provides a comfortable and nonjudgmental atmosphere that nurtures a love of reading. The library also supports the school's rigorous, relevant, and socially just curriculum through collaboration with various stakeholders, inclusive collection development, and technology advocacy, as well as an overall commitment to laying the foundation for lifelong learning, the everlasting desire for intellectual stimulation, and the continual challenge of the status quo.
Our Library
A newly remodeled Library space at McKinley Tech HS Library is a quiet space for independent reading, research, and study, replete with study tables and computer stations. Is ready to host cultural speaker events, school academic clubs, author’s visits, and school activities.
Library Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM- 4:30PM
Friday: 8:00AM- 4:00PM
Our Resources
Thanks to the commitment of the DC Public Schools and DC Public Library Collaboration, McKinley Tech Library is fortunate to have a strong collection of resources and recreational readings that include print, audio, and virtual (E-) books through DC Public Library eBooks through Overdrive. Students and staff have access to a number of databases through the DC Public Library. All students have unlimited access using their DC One Card.
Student Access
No passes are necessary when using the library before 8:40 AM, during lunch, or after school. A pass is required during class time, and student IDs are required at all times.
Library Computers
Library computers offer Internet access, reference CD-ROMs, and other software to aid research. Students are encouraged to use the library computers for classroom assignments or independent study.
Don’t forget to follow your school library on Twitter!! @MckinleytechL